Category: Anti-Reflective Screen Protector

Greenhouse Automation: NuShield DayVue Screen Protectors Ease Reading Displays for Horticulturists

Anyone who works in a greenhouse or in the context of horticulture understands the importance of efficiency. The typical greenhouse or horticulture business requires extensive outdoor work with chemicals, water, plants and computers. Greenhouse automation makes substantial use of computers in this push for efficiency. Some horticulturists actually spend the majority of their day out in the field, analyzing data with a tablet or smartphone.

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Saving your GPS or Fish Finder from Sun Damage with a NuShield Screen Protector

It’s time to go fishing, so get out the rods, the reels, the boat and the fish finder, pack them all up, and get out on the water. And with all of those things in the boat, the last thing on your mind should be eliminating the glare on your fish finder. Most displays wash out in bright sunlight, making it hard to read the screen and see where the fish are located.

What’s the Answer?

The best was to solve this problem is to install a special screen protector film over the display that will make the display visible again and also protect the screen from damage by the constant sunlight. The reduction of the sun’s glare will allow you to point the boat in any direction, and you’ll still be able to read the screen. How many times did you try to cover the display with one hand while steering with the other? Continue reading

Not Your Father’s Toolset – Construction Apps on iPads with DayVue Protectors

Though construction workers still use hammers and wrenches they also use contemporary high-tech tools in the form of construction apps on web-enabled mobile devices. Laptops, iPads and smartphones are quite helpful yet they are also extremely fragile. If you can’t protect your mobile device from scratches, cracks and glare it won’t be of much use to you. Furthermore, if you can’t see the information provided by these apps, completing the project in a thorough and timely manner will prove nearly impossible. You won’t have to worry about these scenarios if you apply NuShield DayVue Antireflective Construction Screen Protectors to your mobile devices.

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Motorcycle Safety: Clear GPS Screens Without Reflections

If you are like most bikers, you use a GPS device to navigate the roads. Unfortunately, the sun’s glare oftentimes makes it extremely difficult to read what is displayed on the screen, impairing your motorcycle safety. Some motorcycle GPS devices are built with a higher screen brightness, but it does not provide clear visibility when the sun is shining overhead. If you face such a predicament, a solution is available in the form of the NuShield DayVue Film.

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Triple A Anti Glare Screen Protector Preserve Samsung’s New Touch Screen Refrigerators

Anti glare screen protector for Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator Display

When Samsung released their new Family Hub Refrigerator, the first thing everyone noticed was the gigantic touch screen that covered up nearly the entire right side door. This touch screen, among other things, can connect to your smartphone, act like a calendar, show you the latest weather reports, let others leave messages for you, and essentially act like a “family hub” of information. It even possess video cameras that can show you the inside contents of your refrigerator, so that when shopping, you can just contact your fridge, take a look inside, and you’ll never miss getting anything you need, again. In Samsung’s world, the refrigerator has become the centerpiece of the kitchen, all at the touch of a video screen. Continue reading

Glare Reflection Can Now Be Avoided on Your RV TV, GPS, and Cameras

RV travel has always been a popular form of getting away from the hustle and the bustle of city life, and with gas prices dropping like never before, taking the RV out for a camping trip, or a cross country journey, has never been easier than it is now.

Rand McNally RV GPS RVND 7715 LM Navigation and Routing for RVs

One thing that you may not think of while traveling is glare on all of your electronic viewing screens. TV’s, GPS units, cameras and even laptops, tablets and notebooks are going to be used in places where they wouldn’t normally be. Continue reading

Anti-reflective Rugged Protectors on Police Laptops

The Mobile Office

NuShield DayVue screen protectors installed on police fleet laptops

Nowhere is a tablet or laptop exposed to more constant use and abuse than in a mobile office. And there is not a more demanding mobile office than a police car. When on the road, police cars have to deal with driving down streets and highways, with the sun coming into the cab at every which angle. To alleviate these  challenges, the rugged NuShield anti-reflective screen protectors have been integrated with police mobile systems. Continue reading

Are Library Touch Screens Germs and Bacteria on Monitors Putting Your Family at Risk?

Have you ever stopped to think how germs and bacteria on library touch screens and monitors can spread flu viruses, or skin bacteria?

Take a moment and think about just how many kids, parents, homeless people and other use the monitors at your library. All sorts of people from different walks of life put their hands on these screens. When monitors used by the general public are not protected by any sort of protective barrier, their surface gets covered with germs, bacteria and other nasty particles. Continue reading