Month: February 2015

NuShield Extends the Life of Your Mobile POS System

If you’re the owner of a small retail or food services business, you might not have the capital that’s required to invest in a full-service, advanced point of sale (POS) system. The necessary hardware alone can easily run upwards of $3,000.

That’s why so many of today’s small business owners are using tablets and other low-cost mobile POS systems in place of a traditional cash register. Many cost-conscious businesses are even using smartphones to process customers’ credit and debit card payments.

But even though tablet computers and mobile POS systems are less expensive than traditional set-ups, they still represent a very significant investment. And if you’re like most small business operators, you probably take great care to get the most out of your digital investments by employing the best accessories. NuShield screen protectors are an especially smart and inexpensive way to get a bigger return on your investment in mobile POS technology.

Here are just a few of the benefits NuShield screen protectors offer:

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Why a Smartphone Case or Tablet Cover Isn’t Enough to Protect Your Device

According to a recent survey conducted by Consumer Reports, the most common repair made to damaged smartphones and tablets is screen repair. Screens are most susceptible to scratches, cracks, breaks and discoloration when they’re exposed to the sun for extended periods of time.

And yet while most smartphone and tablet owners do invest in protective cases that protect their devices from falls or accidents, the majority of those cases don’t come with appropriate screen protection.

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How to Protect Your Smartphone Screen at the Grocery Store

Remember the good old days when the grocery list was stuck to the refrigerator (probably with a magnet), and everyone simply wrote down what they needed?

Of course, when you needed to go shopping you had to actually remember to bring the list with you.

Or you had to make an extra trip home to get the list. Or maybe you just went off the store without it.

Times Have Changed

Nowadays, grocery lists can be kept on smartphones, which pretty much eliminates the problem of forgetting your food list altogether. What’s more, there are literally hundreds of apps available that can help you significantly improve your shopping experience.

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How to Protect Your In-Car GPS Navigation System

The experience of driving down unfamiliar roads and highways suddenly became a whole lot simpler in the mid-2000s, which was roughly when in-car GPS navigation devices began catching on en masse. Almost overnight, the days of pulling onto the shoulder to wrestle with an enormous paper map were over.

In fact, thanks to the ever-increasing popularity of navigation consoles, even MapQuest and similar map-based websites have lately begun falling out of favor. Indeed, a vehicle without an LCD display command center today is practically considered suspect.

Your In-Car Navigation System Has a Potentially Expensive and Dangerous Downside
Navigation displays inside the 2014 BMW i3

There is a downside, however, to having GPS navigation displays installed in just about every motor vehicle on the market today: The graphics on the displays can occasionally be very hard to see.

On some screens, excessive glare from the sun can nearly drown out any text or graphics, which can potentially be very dangerous. And there’s definitely nothing safe about squinting at your GPS display while you’re supposed to be concentrating on the road.

That’s not all: Drivers who wear glare-reducing polarized sunglasses while they’re behind the wheel frequently complain about the difficulty of reading their navigation display screens. Polarized sunglasses have become increasing popular over the past few years, and for good reason: they do a great job of reducing the sun’s reflected glare. Still, it’s a known fact that polarized lenses significantly reduce the visibility of images produced by LCD or LED displays. (Your in-car navigation system almost certainly has an LCD display.)

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