Category: Display Care and Maintenance

It Is Time To Vote Again

The 2024 elections will be a turning point in our country’s history no matter who becomes President, which party control the Senate and the House. But no matter how sophisticated we are in our everyday life with electronic devices, we still do not have a voting machine that is standardized across the nation that works without fear of information hacking or breakdown. According to a study by Cornell University there are approximately 174,000 precincts and 113,000 polling places around the United States.

Isn’t it ridiculous that folks in many towns and cities are still using paper ballot and those are either hand counted or run through a scanner similar to those used in schools to take standardized tests.  Especially when these scanners only count choices when the little boxes are completely filled in, using a number 2 pencil.  At least this is a slight improvement from punch cards and hanging chads that caused major confusion in the 2000 election.

In larger cities some precincts use the old fashioned mechanical voting machines with levers to record votes. This system has been used since the 1920s and while it worked well, these machines are prone to breakdown which is not what you want when you have voters standing in line around the block to get in and vote.

There needs to be a standardization of voting procedures and equipment across the United States. And equipment that stands up to large volume use and hack-proof from outside sources. So what would the ideal voting machine be like?

What we need is a direct-recording electronic device that can record votes using an electronic display that the voter inputs using either a finger or stylus. When the vote is recorded a paper receipt is printed and can be reviewed by the voter to confirm that the vote was correctly recorded. These devices would not have any internet connection and would need to be hand entered individually with the name of the candidates to eliminate interference from outside hackers. There would need to be a redundant paper trail to match up the recorded electronic votes with the paper version to make sure that votes are recorded correctly. The results would need to be phoned in from each precinct and also transmitted electronically to make sure that the information is not corrupted in transit. While there is no 100% foolproof system, this type of leap in technology would bring our voting system into the 21st century.

Currently there are many municipalities that have already instituted various direct recording electronic devices, but there are still issues about vulnerability of data being protected from hacking. Work is being done in association with Homeland Security to find solutions to make the voting system as foolproof as possible from registering the vote to delivering the results from polling places to central counting locations.

NuShield has been working with some of these municipalities to provide our Triple A screen protector film to overlay the device’s touch screen. Our film not only protects the display from scratches, it also hides fingerprints and eliminates glare from overhead lights.  Since a great number of voters touch the screen to make their choices it would be impossible to clean the surface after each use. This is where the anti-microbial function of the film comes handy which eliminates germs on the surface of the film and reduces the passage of germs from one voter to the next.

This is also the same screen protector film that NuShield sells to health care facilities to reduce infections on electronic devices. The film is very easy to install and will last a long time. You can contact us to discuss your particular needs and we can help you to protect your electronic device. NuShield also has a number of voting device manufacturers and models in its database. You can look on our website to see if we already support your system.

Make NuShield Part of Your School Must Haves

It’s the time of the year when parents and children are gearing up for the new school year. Whether its college or grades K-12, you will find some kind of electronic tablet or laptop used in the classroom. Some schools supply these to the students, others have to buy them. As your child advances through school, you see less and less looseleaf binders and composition books, replaced by electronic notebooks.

As electronics being important for students, it is even more important to protect these expensive investments as well as the health of those using them. As students are on the go using their devices in multiple locations and with multiple people, hygiene issues arise and need to be addressed. The NuShield Triple A Film contains an anti-bacterial coating that eliminates the growth of germs on the display. The anti-microbial film eliminates germs and prevents them from breeding on your device. The film remains effective even under conditions of extreme heat or acidity.

The NuShield Triple A screen protector film also contains anti-glare properties that increase visibility indoors and in shady areas with constant reflections. The Triple A film also provides excellent scratch resistance through its matte finish that is present on the surface. This finishing material also hides fingerprints on touchscreen devices, making visibility and care for the device that much easier to achieve. In fact, cleaning your device display is as simple as wiping it with a soft cloth. The cleaning process does not diminish its antimicrobial properties.

The NuShield Triple A film is very easy to apply and remove at any given time. It contains a low-tack adhesive that sticks to your screen. The material also does not trap air, and bubbles are easily pushed out using your finger or a credit card.

The NuShield Triple A film is available for over 15,000 devices. They can fit on many different gadgets, and films for custom sized displays can also be cut to size. Regardless of the device students will be using, they can enjoy the protection of NuShield films both indoors and outdoors. You can place your Order online or call 215-500-6426 to purchase a film to fit your display.

What Good is a Fishfinder without a NuShield Antireflective Screen Protector

The calendar says it July and the lakes, rivers and ocean are teaming with fish so get out your rods, reels, hooks and pack them all up.  Clean up your boat and get it ready to go.

If you are adventurous then you might want to take part in the 2024 White Marlin Open tournament which will be held August 5th through 9th. This is a 50-plus-year-old deep-sea fishing tournament held annually in Ocean City, Maryland. The tournament awards prize money for catches of white marlin, blue marlin, tuna, wahoo, dolphin and swordfish. And the prize money is outrageous. In 2023, over $10 million dollars were awarded.

These anglers not only have to know the good fishing spots to catch the large ones, but they also rely on their electronic fishfinder instruments.  But the last thing on their mind should be eliminating the glare on the fish finder or GPS. And you probably have the same problem when you’re out on the water where most displays wash out in bright sunlight, making it hard to read the screen and see where the fish are hiding.

The best was to solve this problem is to install a special screen protector film over the display that will make the display visible again and also protect the screen from damage by the constant sunlight. The reduction of the sun’s glare will allow you see which way to point the boat and you’ll still be able to read the screen. How many times did you try to cover the display with one hand while steering with the other? And if you wear polarized sunglasses you have to take them off every time you look at the screen.

The NuShield DayVue antireflective film cuts down glare from the sun and gives your fish finder a level of protection that is not possible with factory coatings. The film does all of the hard work, including protection from scratching, smudging and it is even resistant to oil and other petroleum-based products. And if you are a salt water fisherman, the salty spray from the sea will no longer scrape or wear away the original protective coating. And if you wear polarized sunglasses you’ll find that the screen will still be visible.

The film has a tacky rubberized backing that is easy to apply. NuShield has many sizes to fit virtually any LCD displays found on fish finders, onboard GPS systems, tablets, laptops, and even your television. Just press it on, smooth it out and push out any bubbles trapped beneath the film. That’s it!

NuShield has led the field in screen protection, glare reduction and scratch safety for over 20 years. We currently provide film sizes for over 15,000 devices, ranging from smartphones to large television displays and we add new sizes every day as new devices with different sized screens become available.

Remember, you can’t escape the sun on the open water. Protecting your electronic display from sun damage is essential for a good captain. From scratches, salt water and glare, the NuShield DayVue film is the best way to help your GPS last longer. That is just smart boating.

Why wait? Get your fish protector ready for the season and order your screen protector today. Can’t find your model or size, contact us with your model and size, and we will cut a screen protector to fit for you.

Metal Detecting More Fun With Nushield

As Summer begins more time is spent outdoors as people gather on the beaches and in parks. This time of year also brings out the metal detector enthusiasts who are looking for lost coins, jewelry, and various metal relics in historical parks. You see these folks with what look like sticks and a device sweeping the ground waiting to make contact with a piece of metal.  And many are quite good at this and find things left behind.

If you might be thinking about stating this hobby there are many companies such as Minelab, Garrett, and Nokta. They all offer multiple devices at various price ranges for the expert as well as the beginner. There are also local clubs around the US and the world that you can join. An organization called Focus Speed lists a directory of events as well as articles about equipment and how to find local clubs.

However, once you get out into the field and the sunshine you will notice that the display on these detectors become dark and unreadable in direct light and especially if you are wearing polarized sunglasses to help your eyes see well.  For this reason many “miners” purchase the NuShield DayVue anti-reflective screen protector film. This easy to install overlay film is circular polarized so that the user can see the screen with or without sunglasses in direct sun and it also works with polarized sunglasses.

Most of these displays are small enough for the NuShield Cut to Fit kit which offers two pieces of film, template papers and cleaning wipes. They come in two sizes, 4” x 3” and 3.8” x 2.2”.  Easy to cut, easy to install and will last a long time.

NuShield is a popular screen protector film recommended by users on group forums.  With over 25 years in business, NuShield is a leading manufacturer of glare elimination films for outdoors as well as indoors. From small devices to large television displays NuShield already offers or can easily create new film sizes for any display and it also works with touch screens.

NuShield Congratulates the Graduates

To all those graduates who did not have a proper send off from high school because of Covid restrictions, here is your chance to walk with your fellow students and take your bow.  It is your day and your parents are proud to watch you walk up to the podium and take a picture while you receive your diploma. And the same goes for all the high school seniors who are also graduating and moving forward.

If you are a proud relative of a graduating student, you will probably find yourself sitting in the football stadium or out on the great lawn during the ceremonies.  If your seat is on the wrong side, the sun will be over your shoulder, reflecting glare on your phone or tablet display.

So before you head out for the big day, make sure that you buy and install a NuShield DayVue Anti-reflective screen protector on the display.  The DayVue film helps to eliminate reflective glare and when paired with polarized sunglasses, completely eliminates glare from your vision.  The DayVue film also works with regular sunglasses or no glasses at all, but you might have to angle your device to find an optimum position where you can see the image without reflection.

The NuShield DayVue screen protector was created for moments like this, when you are outdoors in direct sunlight. It is used by our military in the harshest environments to eliminate glare and reflection. This same film is also used by motorcycle riders and drivers with convertibles so they can see their gps displays without distraction.

The NuShield DayVue screen protector is a thin film with a slightly tacky backing that installs in minutes and stays in place until you remove it. The film protects the screen and can be cleaned easily. NuShield has an extensive list of cameras, phones and tablets on its website to fit your particular device. If you don’t find your device, NuShield will be happy to create new film sizes – as long as you provide the measurements – at no extra charge within 48 hours. Don’t let sunglare ruin your graduation celebration, order your NuShield DayVue film today.

NRA Restaurant Show

Dining Electronically, Almost Futuristic

Imagine a day when you walk into a restaurant. You are greeted by a large display screen that shows the available tables in the restaurant. You select the table and the number of guests by tapping on the screen and entering your name. Lights on the floor direct you to your table where there is a tablet waiting with the menu showing. You select your order and in a couple of minutes a robotic tray brings out your food. After you finish and ready to leave you use the tablet to pay for your meal with a credit or debit card and off you go.

Sound a bit futuristic? Not as far off as you might imagine. 

At the recent Restaurant show in New York City there were various companies featuring food automation robots that can make your food, server bots that can bring and take away food trays and scrubber bots to clean the floors. These robots now take us further into total food automation. Automated vending machines, like those created by G&A Robot, can now cook up meals at the touch of a button, not just store drinks and snacks. Robots made by Todo Robotics can handle several food trays and bring them to tables or take away the dirty dishes.

As you know many restaurants have adopted electronic handheld ordering systems to take your order and also accept payment if paying by credit card. A wireless POS system, such as Micros, TouchBistro, ABC POS, Boxy POS, BIM POS, Clover, ShopKeep, Toast or eZeeBurrp, make it easy for servers to take orders which goes directly to the kitchen, speeding up service and the delivery of your food. All a restaurant needs is a WiFi network throughout its building, and communication between the kitchen and the front of the house is easy.

So where does NuShield come into the picture?

All of these devices operate using an LCD touch screen. But there’s a problem with most screens; they reflect light back into the user’s eyes, in the form of glare. This is inconvenient and makes the device nearly unusable. However, there’s a simple solution. By installing an anti-glare screen protector such as NuShield’s Triple A film on the display screen, glare can be easily eliminated. The display will also be protected against scratches, scrapes, drops and cracks during a busy workday.

The Triple A screen protector comes pre-cut in a variety of sizes, so it’ll fit perfectly to any display. Just peel off the protective liner then smooth it over the screen. It’ll stay firmly affixed, but can be peeled off whenever necessary. And because it’s such a thin film, the display will retain all its touch screen functionality. The Triple A film also has an anti-bacterial feature which kills germs on the film surface, preventing germs to pass between users. As more restaurants employ POS devices, the need for NuShield films becomes even greater.

Contact NuShield Inc. for the best anti glare screen protector made. NuShield has been a leader in screen protection for almost 25 years, and has been providing glare elimination and screen protection for the most unique applications. We currently provide film sizes for over 15,000 devices, from smart phones to large TV screen displays, and we create new ones every day. Can we make one for your device?

NuShield Protects Large TV Screens

We are happy to announce that the NuShield Antiglare screen protector film is available in sizes up to 100 inch diagonal.  Other manufacturers can only sell up to 80 inch diagonal films.

If you have a TV that is 82 inch, 85 inch, 90 inch or even 98 inch diagonal you need not suffer with glare any longer. Our Antiglare film has a non-adhesive backing so you don’t have to worry about bubbles or hard installation process.  We use a thin double-sided adhesive strip that holds the film in place. In just 10 minutes you can install our film and enjoy glare free TV.

The film even works with TVs that are placed outside under an awning or in a three season room that has glass all around.  The film diffuses the glare so you can watch your show, not reflections from your yard or other surroundings.

NuShield currently supports over 15,000 different devices with an LCD, LED or plasma display up to 100 inch diagonal.  Major television manufacturers include LG, Panasonic, Samsung, TCL and Sharp.

If we don’t already list your TV on our website NuShield can create new film sizes to fit your device without extra cost. Just provide the width and height measurements of your screen using our Contact Us form.

NuShield Introduces Selectview™ Privacy Film

When you are working or relaxing in a public place or traveling, you still want to maintain your privacy on your phone, tablet or laptop.  On trains and planes you are sitting too close to others who can look at your display screen while you are using your device and see the content on the screen. 

To keep those prying eyes at bay, NuShield offers the SelectView privacy screen protector film.  The film is constructed so that the information displayed on the screen can only be viewed by looking directly at the screen.  Anyone looking at the screen from an angle will only see a dark screen. 

The film is flexible and installs easily using a light adhesive backing. The film reduces glare, provides scratch resistance and can be used with touch screen applications.  The SelectView film was created for use with Smartphones, tablets, laptops and smaller monitors.  The film has vertical bars imbedded in the film which allows the user to see the screen when looked at directly, but blocks visibility from any angle.

The film is ideal for use by HR departments, healthcare facilities, banks and financial institutions where privacy to information is of utmost importance.  And the film does not affect touch screen software capability. You can use your finger or stylus to manipulate information on the screen.  It is scratch resistant and also reduces glare on the surface and eliminates reflections.

NuShield also offers other types of screen protectors for glare elimination indoors or outdoors. NuShield currently offers film sizes to fit over 15,000 different devices such as SmartPhones, tablets, laptops, monitors and even TVs up to 80 inch diagonal. And if NuShield does not have your particular device in its database, the company will work with you to create the size to fit your device without extra cost in a short time period. For more information visit the NuShield website.

Phone without Privacy Film
Phone without Privacy Film
Phone with SelectView Film
Phone with SelectView Film

NuShield Guide to Major Motorcycle Events in 2023

As the weather gets warmer it is time to get that bike out of the garage and start planning touring trips on the weekends. This is especially true in the northern regions where we suffered through a snowy winter. It’s time to get together again with friends and plan weekend outings. If you want to meet up with other riders and make new friends, the website lists the major rallies and bike weeks around the U.S. between now and end of 2023. The organization has close to 43,500 members, photos, blogs, businesses and lists over 44,000 events.

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Office Equipment Displays Can Be Germ Farms

As more and more companies are requiring their employees to return to the office the likelihood that you might contract Covid-19, or the flu are very high. And not everyone is practicing wearing masks and staying six feet apart. Also, there are equipment shared by all in the office which have touch screen LCD displays and easily spreads germs and viruses.

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