Category: Televisions

Watch the NFL Playoffs with NuShield Screen Protectors Installed

You went out and bought a new shiny TV during the Christmas sales to watch the NFL playoffs. But when you set up the TV you realized that that shiny surface was reflecting everything around you, making it difficult to follow the action. If you put your TV outside on your patio you are probably seeing everything from your grass to your fence and pool on the screen during the day.

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What’s New at Consumer Electronics Show 2019

Christmas came a couple of weeks later to electronics buffs when the Consumer Electronics Show was held in Las Vegas from January 8 to 11, 2019. This show featured more than 4,500 exhibiting companies, including manufacturers, developers and suppliers of consumer technology hardware, content, technology delivery systems and more.

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RV Motor Home 2019 Show Schedule

If you are thinking about buying a new RV or refurbishing the one you have there is no better place to get an education about new products than at a large exhibition where you find companies who offer products from new mobile homes to the smallest accessories to help you on the road. To help you find the RV show nearest you we are providing you with a link to the 2019 schedule.

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Is Glare Ruining Your Church Service?

Technology continues its expansion into more and more facets of our life. Even churches are increasingly beginning to turn towards electronic communications for help in spreading their message. Emails and social media, for instance, help keep the flock up to date about the church community. But the latest trend is using large television screens that replace traditional bulletin boards.  This allows more information to be conveyed using colorful displays and PowerPoint presentations to members.

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Is Blue Light Eye Strain a Myth or Fact?

According to leading ophthalmologists and a recent report from GigaOm’s technology research platform, long-term exposure to blue light after dark can lead to chronic insomnia, and even breast cancer. This blue light however is only given off by devices using Light Emitting Diode (LED). These would include computer monitors, tablets, flat-screen TVs (such as those manufactured by Samsung, Sony, and LG), and OLED TVs with curved screens, including Panasonic, Samsung, and LG.

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Watch TV, Not Your Surroundings

Have you been thinking about putting a television on your back porch or in a Florida room that is exposed to sunlight? One thing you have to take into consideration is the reflection from your surroundings.  Today’s TVs are thinner than ever, bigger than ever and able to produce the most amazing picture. And having a big TV outside lets you watch sports or other favorite show from the pool, deck or sitting on the porch.

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Watch TV, Not Your Surroundings

As the weather gets warmer more of us are spending time outdoors. But we are not ready to give up watching our TVs. Today’s TVs are thinner than ever, bigger than ever and able to produce the most amazing picture. And having a big TV outside lets you watch sports or other favorite show from the pool, deck or sitting on the porch.

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Key Importance of a Screen Protector for Your Eyes When Using Devices

Smartphones and tablets are becoming a common sight these days as almost everyone – including you – has at least one. Speaking of sight, those same mobile devices can take a toll on your eyes, especially if you can’t spend at least an hour without checking on your social media account, catching up on some TV series, or playing your favorite mobile game. You may not become totally blind, but your vision can decline if you’re using your mobile device with an unprotected screen. Thus, you would want to buy a screen protector, and listed below are some reasons why it’s important for your eyes whenever you’re using your mobile device.

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