Category: Health Care

It Is Time To Vote Again

The 2024 elections will be a turning point in our country’s history no matter who becomes President, which party control the Senate and the House. But no matter how sophisticated we are in our everyday life with electronic devices, we still do not have a voting machine that is standardized across the nation that works without fear of information hacking or breakdown. According to a study by Cornell University there are approximately 174,000 precincts and 113,000 polling places around the United States.

Isn’t it ridiculous that folks in many towns and cities are still using paper ballot and those are either hand counted or run through a scanner similar to those used in schools to take standardized tests.  Especially when these scanners only count choices when the little boxes are completely filled in, using a number 2 pencil.  At least this is a slight improvement from punch cards and hanging chads that caused major confusion in the 2000 election.

In larger cities some precincts use the old fashioned mechanical voting machines with levers to record votes. This system has been used since the 1920s and while it worked well, these machines are prone to breakdown which is not what you want when you have voters standing in line around the block to get in and vote.

There needs to be a standardization of voting procedures and equipment across the United States. And equipment that stands up to large volume use and hack-proof from outside sources. So what would the ideal voting machine be like?

What we need is a direct-recording electronic device that can record votes using an electronic display that the voter inputs using either a finger or stylus. When the vote is recorded a paper receipt is printed and can be reviewed by the voter to confirm that the vote was correctly recorded. These devices would not have any internet connection and would need to be hand entered individually with the name of the candidates to eliminate interference from outside hackers. There would need to be a redundant paper trail to match up the recorded electronic votes with the paper version to make sure that votes are recorded correctly. The results would need to be phoned in from each precinct and also transmitted electronically to make sure that the information is not corrupted in transit. While there is no 100% foolproof system, this type of leap in technology would bring our voting system into the 21st century.

Currently there are many municipalities that have already instituted various direct recording electronic devices, but there are still issues about vulnerability of data being protected from hacking. Work is being done in association with Homeland Security to find solutions to make the voting system as foolproof as possible from registering the vote to delivering the results from polling places to central counting locations.

NuShield has been working with some of these municipalities to provide our Triple A screen protector film to overlay the device’s touch screen. Our film not only protects the display from scratches, it also hides fingerprints and eliminates glare from overhead lights.  Since a great number of voters touch the screen to make their choices it would be impossible to clean the surface after each use. This is where the anti-microbial function of the film comes handy which eliminates germs on the surface of the film and reduces the passage of germs from one voter to the next.

This is also the same screen protector film that NuShield sells to health care facilities to reduce infections on electronic devices. The film is very easy to install and will last a long time. You can contact us to discuss your particular needs and we can help you to protect your electronic device. NuShield also has a number of voting device manufacturers and models in its database. You can look on our website to see if we already support your system.

NuShield Helps to Protect You During Flu Season

We are in the middle of flu season and with the outbreak of the Corona Virus the chances of becoming sick is very high.  Especially when you have to be around large number of people either at work or high volume areas. If you are over 60, have a smaller child or have a medical condition your immune system is already compromised and you are more susceptible to getting sick. Hopefully, you had a flu shot in the Fall so your chances of having a bad case, even if you catch the flu might be somewhat lesser.

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NuShield Helps with Infection Control in Health Care Facilities

One of the greatest concerns in health care facilities is the growth and transference of germs from one patient or visitor to another. Infection pre or post operation can endanger the health of the patient. Visitors can bring in germs to the facility and staff has to be vigilant to make sure that these germs do not reach the patients, if possible.

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How to protect yourself from getting sick in 2019

As the weather gets colder you find yourself participating in more indoor activities which include getting together with strangers in close settings. You also get up close with the germs they are carrying. Foreigners traveling to the U.S. bring their germs with them and the news is full of warnings about outbreaks of diseases. People around you are getting sick. You don’t want their germs winding up on your phone, tablet or other device surface. Especially since many of these devices use touch screen technology. So how do you protect yourself?

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Healthcare Integrators Install NuShield Anti-microbial Screen Protectors to Protect Staff, Patients and Screens

As the healthcare field continues to embrace the technology of touchscreen devices to enhance patient care and make the work environment more efficient, various recent studies have revealed that computer monitors, laptops, tablets and other displays are spreading germs and harboring harmful bacteria. Since individuals use these types of devices throughout the average day, and many of them are shared by multiple doctors, nurses and other professionals, a build-up of fingerprints and contaminants is common. As a result, frequent cleaning is often necessary to prevent streaks, glare, and most importantly- the spread of germs.

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Infection Control Using NuShield at Health Care Facilities

If you walk into a hospital, doctor’s office or emergency care facility you will be surrounded by electronic devices at every step during your visit. Some facilities employ tablets or monitors to register your check in instead of the old paper and pen method. Once you are in an examination room you will find monitors and instruments with LCD displays to provide information to the doctors and nurses caring for you. If you are having a procedure done you will find displays in the surgical suites to monitor your vital signs and in teaching hospitals, televise the operation so students can see the procedure close up. And if you find yourself staying in the hospital you will notice that there are numerous monitors in the room to read out your vital signs and the staff is walking around with electronic tablets and mobile computer carts to review your progress and make notes in your electronic chart.

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