Category: Anti-Glare Screen Protector

Medical Safety: Triple A Films Provide Germ Protection on National Nurses Day, and All Other Days

If you watch PBS’ new medical miniseries, Mercy Street, you will see that the nurses and doctors of the Civil War era did not engage in hygienic practices or germ protection. The series chronicles two volunteer nurses from the north and south who work at the Mansion House Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia. The series shows that the cleanliness of the medical professionals in the Civil War era pales in comparison to modern day standards. Thankfully, things have changed drastically over the past century. Continue reading

Glare Reflection Can Now Be Avoided on Your RV TV, GPS, and Cameras

RV travel has always been a popular form of getting away from the hustle and the bustle of city life, and with gas prices dropping like never before, taking the RV out for a camping trip, or a cross country journey, has never been easier than it is now.

Rand McNally RV GPS RVND 7715 LM Navigation and Routing for RVs

One thing that you may not think of while traveling is glare on all of your electronic viewing screens. TV’s, GPS units, cameras and even laptops, tablets and notebooks are going to be used in places where they wouldn’t normally be. Continue reading

Why Your Military-Grade Laptops Need Mil-Spec Screen Protectors

If you’re at all familiar with the electronic devices used in the field today by various branches of the U.S. military, you’re probably also familiar with the concept of military-grade laptops or military-spec consumer electronic devices.

Military-Grade Laptops and Tablets

The Panasonic Toughbook, for instance, is probably the best-known of the military-grade laptops used by our fighting forces.

Dell makes a particularly rugged notebook computer known as the Latitude E6420 XFR that’s built inside a magnesium-alloy ballistic armor-protected chassis. Continue reading

Phone Putting You at Risk for the Flu? Unprotected smartphones can carry 18 times bacteria than a toilet flush handle.

Here is something that you may not realize. Your Samsung Galaxy phone, Nexus Android phone, or any smart phone screen can harbor illness causing bacteria like E coli or staphylococci bacteria, among others, which may lead to illness or infection. Most of the time, this type of bacteria on smartphones are caused by regular phone handling, which transfers the infectious agents to the screen. Your smartphone is especially susceptible when other people handle or use it to make calls, surf the Internet – or when your children play games on it. When that happens, contamination can occur on your screen, and after that, it is an easy step to transfer the bacteria on smartphones to your face, mouth or nose, and lead to an illness or infection. Continue reading

Why Cruise Ship Technology Needs NuShield Now

If you’ve been working in the cruise ship industry for, say, 10 or 15 years, you’ve almost certainly noticed some changes to cruise ship technology.

Prior to the late 1990s, or perhaps even the early part of the 21st century, for instance, most ship pursers were still keeping the majority of their financial records on actual paper.

A cruise line’s marketing manager spent a good portion of their day working the (land line) phones in those days, long before Facebook or Twitter have even been conceived. A housekeeping administrative assistant carried her marching orders around on a clipboard, not a tablet computer. A shore excursion manager was forced to find a payphone if something went wrong, and a call back to the ship was deemed necessary. Today, they wouldn’t dream of walking onto land without a fully charged smartphone.

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Hey, Crafters! Here’s How to Keep Your DIY Cricut Cutting Machine Going Stronger for Longer

The DIY crafting movement certainly isn’t anything new. From independently published magazines like ReadyMade, which launched back in 2001, to mainstream do-it-yourself media icons like Martha Stewart, who has been teaching Americans to flex their crafting muscles for decades, home crafting has gone from being a near-necessity, to a trend, to an incredibly popular activity that people of all ages and nearly all interests seem to be taking part in these days. Continue reading

Why You Need NuShield, Even With a High-End Cell Phone Case

Whether you use a Smartphone, a tablet or an e-reader, there’s a pretty good chance that if you’re like most Americans, you spend a lot of time on your mobile device. You use it in so many conditions: cold weather and warm weather; indoors and out-of-doors.

And yet while the technology of these devices continues to develop at a mind-boggling pace, and with an increasing number of features and applications launched seemingly every other day, one thing seems to remain the same: screen glare. The inability to clearly see your screen, that is, as a result of the reflection of sun light or artificial light.

Of course, there are other seemingly insurmountable problems where mobile devices are concerned: smudges, scratches, and dirt, to name just a few. There is perhaps nothing more frustrating than trying to read an important text message or email while you’re outdoors, and being unable to see it because of glare or a smudged screen.

Scratches are another big problem. Not only do they hamper your view of the screen, but they also prevent you from potentially selling your phone back to your carrier of choice when you upgrade, a move that can save you money on your next device.

And if you read on your tablet? Glare, in that instance, becomes an even bigger issue. Meanwhile, forget about reading outdoors, or even near a window. It’s not happening!

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How NuShield Helps Church LCD Displays Spread the Good Word

As technology continues its expansion into more and more facets of life, churches are increasingly beginning to turn towards it for help in spreading their message. Emails and social media, for instance, help keep the flock in the loop of the church community. Large LCD screens are replacing traditional bulletin boards.

And yet, as churches continue finding new uses for technology, they’re also discovering the problems that technology can introduce.

Consider, for example, a megachurch that uses a collection of digital LCD screens to give parishioners a better view of the pastor. Both natural and artificial light can cause debilitating screen glare, which in turn can easily inhibit the spread of the good word. In fact, that’s almost exactly what happened recently in the North Carolina legislative chamber, where a number of very expensive Sharp digital TV monitors were reduced to little more than mirrors as a result of screen glare.

Fortunately, NuShield was able to help out in that situation. If your church is running into similar problems, we can help fix your situation, too.

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How the North Carolina Legislature Used NuShield to See Clearly

North Carolina Legislative Chamber prior to installation of NuShield screen protectors

One of the great things about the democratic process is that citizens have proper representation to help make their voices heard.

Technology has made amazing strides in streamlining the voting process. But sometimes everyday inhibitions put up barriers to success that aren’t even obvious at first glance.

Recently, the North Carolina state legislature learned how problematic beautiful aesthetics can be when its newly-installed, 70-inch digital Sharp television monitors came into conflict with the House Chamber’s chandeliers.

Here’s what happened:

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Wired Magazine Gives NuShield’s DayVue Film the Nod

It’s not every day that the product you’ve spent so many years of your life working hard to perfect gets written about in an incredibly popular national newsstand magazine. Yet that’s exactly what happened to us here at NuShield during the first week of August, when Wired magazine reporter Tim Moynihan published an article on the Wired website titled, “The Days of Squinting at Laptops in the Sun Are Almost Over.”

As its title suggests, Moynihan’s article mulled over the various reasons laptop screens are so hard to see while working outside in the sun. There are, in fact, a number of different reasons your average laptop screen doesn’t play well with sunlight. Some of those explanations are fairly technical, while others aren’t much more than plain common sense. If you’re interested in the specifics, click here to give the story a read.

Frankly, though, at NuShield we’re more interested in solving the laptop glare problem than in wondering why the issue is the way it is. And as Moynihan rightly points out, we have that solution in the form of our DayVue screen protection film.

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