Category: Anti-Glare Screen Protector

Do You Wear Bifocal Lenses While Using a Mobile Device? Here’s How to Ease Eye Strain

Between smartphones, tablets and your computer, it’s likely you spend a great deal of your day staring at a backlit screen. That almost certainly has something to do with why your eyes tend to ache at the end of the day.

Let’s face it: The human eye simply wasn’t designed to deal with that level of lighting strain. And if you happen to wear bifocal or multifocal lenses, your situation is likely even worse.

The problem you’ve been having while reading on screens goes a bit further than just having to deal with lighting issues. If you wear bifocal and multifocal lenses, or even if you happen to have farsighted vision, you probably need to tilt your head at a fairly specific angle in order to properly view your mobile device’s screen display. That can but a great deal of strain on your neck. If you spend enough time on your tablet, smartphone or e-reader, this can lead to some pretty serious posture problems.

You may have heard about a stop-gap solution that some device users have adapted: wearing computer glasses. And yet while these glasses will make it easier for you to see the screen, they’re not without their own problems. Consider the following:

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The Holiday is Over and You’re Left With a Glare

Many of us will enjoy the excitement of receiving a new tablet or smartphone as a Christmas gift this year. After receiving a new electronic device, you’re likely to spend hours fooling around with it and exploring its capabilities.

While your new gift will no doubt dazzle you with the technological marvels it offers, you might find one major drawback. Many tablets, laptops, smartphones, GPS devices, and other electronic gadgets have cumbersome glare issues that make it difficult to see what you’re doing when you use your device in certain lighting situations.

Fortunately, there’s a quick remedy to dealing with glare issues on LCD screens.

By ordering an anti glare screen protector from NuShield, you can easily get around glare problems and take advantage of drastically improved visibility on your electronic device’s display screen.

What’s more, a screen protector from NuShield could offer quite a few other benefits in addition to reducing glare.

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Did You Get a New Mobile Device Over the Holidays? Here’s How to Keep It Protected

See if this doesn’t sound familiar: Your new smartphone or tablet was the best gift you unwrapped over the holidays this year, and you couldn’t wait load it up with all your favorite apps. Playing with your new toy brought you an almost childlike sense of glee. But after only 20 or 30 minutes, you noticed that your new device’s screen was already covered in greasy fingerprints — it wasn’t not looking anywhere near as shiny and new as it did just a half-hour earlier.

So … what can you possibly do? You can protect your screen, of course. And here’s the good news: Doing so is actually lot easier and a lot cheaper than you might imagine.

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Remember to Include Screen Protectors with Holiday Gifts

Electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops are now integral tools that we use every day for entertainment, work, and study. That’s part of the reason why they make useful gifts for family and friends. However, it’s important to note some of the potential malfunctions that can come up during normal usage of electronic devices with fragile LCD or display screens.

  • Poor visibility– There’s nothing more frustrating than having to look something up on your cell phone and not being able to make out the screen at all. Although display screens are designed to achieve the utmost in clarity and precision, tablet or smartphone manufacturers cannot always accommodate all the different lighting situations in which a screen will be used. Glare can cause enormous visibility problems when it comes to using electronic device display screens.
  • Damage– The display screen on electronics is usually the most fragile part of the device. That means it’s susceptible to the ravages of fingernails, fingerprints, sharp edges, impact, and more. Over time, screens typically pick up scratches and blemishes that can eventually detract from visibility.
  • Built-up germs and bacteria– Anything that comes into contact with our fingers is likely to serve as a breeding ground for cold-causing microbes. Touch screens especially will pick up bacteria and germs over time, making it necessary to clean or disinfect them in some way.

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NuShield Solves a Safety Concern for Store Owners

Do some research on products like our NuShield anti glare screen protector film and you’ll be surprised at how many different applications they have. Screen protector films can be applied not only to the displays of electronics, but also directly on windows to prevent glare from bright sunlight from hindering visibility indoors.

Those who do business from a storefront location such as convenience stores, know that bright sunlight poring into their store windows can make it hard to see. Glare can not only make it impossible to read cash register and computer screen displays, but it can also make interaction and communication with co-workers and clients difficult.

Consider the following scenario: A police officer can’t see into a local convenience store because posters have been put up over the windows to block the glare from the sun and to allow store clerks to make out cash register screens. While these posters might improve visibility on the inside of the store, the safety of those working in the store is compromised if the police cannot see the store clerk and the register area. Thieves take note of factors like poor visibility and use them to their advantage to rob storefront locations while invisible to the police and other passersby.

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Media Players are a Good Source of Entertainment for Holiday Travel

Keeping the kids entertained while you’re traveling out of town is important for maintaining your sanity. Looking for an easy way to keep the kids entertained en route while you’re out visiting family this holiday season? Having a media player in your car is a great way to entertain kids of all ages.

NuShield Screen Protector Improves Visibility of Media Player Screens

Of course, putting an expensive and fragile electronic device in the hands of rambunctious youngsters can be risky. It’s a good idea to take some precautions to protect your media player from all the hazards caused by the rough use it’s sure to receive during a long road trip.

The most important thing you need to protect is the LCD display of your media player. By placing a screen protector from NuShield over your screen, you can rest assured that your media player will remain in mint condition throughout the hectic holiday season . NuShield also works with back of the seat entertainment systems.

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Protect Your Electronic Device While Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner

As we delve further into the autumn season, the holidays are rapidly approaching. Those who are hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year will want to plan for an extraordinary meal that may include some tasty new recipes.

With your laptop or tablet device, you can immediately access thousands of recipes posted on the Internet, and you can effortlessly flip between recipes as you do your cooking come Thanksgiving Day.

Looking for new recipes ideas and Thanksgiving decorations to impress your guests this year? Pinterest  is full of inspiring suggestions. Browsing the Internet, or taking a deep dive into Pinterest, you’ll easily find recipes that are obvious updates on those outdated recipe cards stashed away in your pantry.

Protecting your electronic device while cooking

Using your laptop or tablet as a recipe book adds a great deal of convenience to Thanksgiving preparations. And be sure to take precautions to protect your electronic tablet device from kitchen hazards. Things can get pretty out of control on Thanksgiving Day as you rush to get multiple dishes ready at the same time.

How can you make sure that your device stays safe and functions properly throughout the day? Apply an anti glare screen protector from NuShield.

The following are the major advantages of protecting your laptop or tablet with a NuShield anti glare screen protector while you’re busy and distracted with the task of feeding hordes of hungry family members and friends:

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NuShield iPad Screen Protectors Solve Visibility Issues

Looking back, it’s hard to believe that the Apple iPad has only been around for about four and a half years. Already, this device has become ubiquitous and made considerable headway in replacing laptops and desktop computers.

The iPad’s sleekness and simplicity help it to capitalize on what has long been Apple’s strength: a knack for producing attractively designed products that seem to make all similar devices from competitors look awkward, bulky, and even “geeky” in comparison.iPad Screen Protectors

One noteworthy aspect of the iPad’s popularity is the diversity of users of this Apple creation. Unlike the laptops and desktops that came before, the iPad has been widely adopted by users of all ages — even users who would be unlikely to either work or play on a traditional computer. Both the old and young alike have embraced the iPad as a way to surf the Web, play games, read, and more.

The iPad offers a striking user-friendliness that makes it possible to master the use of the device in minutes, and this makes it ideal for demographics of people who may be uninitiated as computer users.

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Improve your Camcorders LCD screen with NuShield

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to record a memorable event on your camcorder – but there is so much glare reflected back from the LCD screen that it completely washes out the screen image. Camcorders are costly and it’s truly annoying when this happens. You might mistakenly believe you need to purchase a different brand or model camcorderto fix the problem, when all you need is a quick fix to improve your LCD screen and make videotaping a pleasure instead of a chore.

An anti-reflective screen for camcorders is the solution to your screen situation. When you’re outside and the sun is making it hard to see your LCD screen, this can make it hard for you to record good video. Stop missing those sporting events and videos of your kids playing outside with the NuShield DayVue Anti-Reflective screen protector that cuts the reflections from your LCD screen and makes it easy for you to see the action while filming.

Many camcorder screens go dim when you’re filming outside, making it practically impossible to see what you’re recording, a problem also resolved with the NuShield DayVue. This anti-reflective film also protects your screen from scratches and damage, and is available to fit any size LCD screen and work with any camcorder model. The NuShield film protects your expensive LCD screen, resists scratches, and filters out 99% of UV light so you can easily see what you’re recording.

This same film also works in the dark at your child’s band concert, a rock show, or a play where the combination of darkness and stage lights is making it impossible for you to see your LCD screen.

The NuShield antireflective film not only cuts the glare and improves clarity, but serves as a protector for your screen. Replacing an LCD screen is costly, but when you use NuShield screens, you protect your investment and minimize the chances of having to replace your LCD screen due to scratches or other damage.

NuShield offers a 4.3″ diagonal Cut-to-Fit film kit that covers almost all cameras and recorders as well as handheld GPS devices on the market today.  It is easy to use and the protectors install in seconds, don’t leave any residue, and easy to keep clean. Just use the paper template to mark the size of film you need to cut, then with a pair of sharp scissors trim the film to the size you need.

For more information about NuShield products, which have been protecting electronics for 15 years, contact us today at 877-900-9192, or browse our website to get answers to your questions and order from our wide array of antireflective screen protectors for all of your devices. Drop us an email with your questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Order Your Glare Protectors Today

Select your Camcorder brand and model number, and which screen protector you want, and NuShield will mail your films to your home or business.



Toyota RAV4 Solution for GPS Daytime Visibility Issues

Frequent complaints have been made regarding the visibility of the Toyota RAV4 navigation screen in daylight, especially from drivers wearing polarized sunglasses. In situations of direct sunlight or where sun glare affects screen visibility, the Toyota RAV4’s navigation screen appears dark, and images and text on the screen are indiscernible. This not only causes drivers discomfort, but it is also a safety hazard. Those who wear prescription sunglasses and cannot remove their glasses to get a good look at their screens face particular dangers due to the visibility of the RAV4’s screen. Owners of the RAV4 often find themselves stuck with this problem after they’ve already purchased the RAV4’s navigation system, and they seek a problem that will allow them to continue using the system while avoiding visibility issues.

Fortunately, a solution to the navigation screen visibility issues of the RAV4 can be found using the NuShield DayVue Antireflective Screen Protector Film. The NuShield DayVue Antireflective Screen Protector Film is a way to quickly and conveniently correct these common visibility problems with the RAV4’s system and enjoy problem-free operation of the system even for drivers who are using polarized sunglasses. By ordering online on the NuShield website Car Navigation page, it’s possible to order Screen Protector Film that’s custom fit to the unique screen size specifications of the Toyota RAV4 navigation screen. Simply placing Screen Protector Film over a navigation screen with visibility issues offers significant savings over other methods of remedying the process like screen replacement, which could cost upwards of $200.

Screen Protector Film from NuShield works by filtering out glare from the sun and providing UV protection against direct sunlight. The film also reduces reflections using light canceling effects that are somewhat similar to the effects of noise canceling headphones. In NuShield DayVue Antireflective Screen Protector Film, innovative light canceling technology is put to use in seconds thanks to an easy installation process, and the film can also quickly be removed when necessary. The benefits of using NuShield DayVue Antireflective Screen Protector Film are not limited to only improved visibility. Screen Protector Film from NuShield also protects against scratches and other possible damage to your screen. The Screen Protector Film will not damage the screen or cause adhesive residues to leave blemishes on the screen thanks to the fact that NuShield DayVue Antireflective Screen Protector Film uses a low-tack rubber that will not stick more strongly to the screen surface over time. Those looking for an easy and affordable way to address visibility issues with their RAV4 navigation screens will find the simplest and most effective solution to the problem with NuShield DayVue Antireflective Screen Protector Film.