NuShield Film: A Softer Alternative to Tempered Glass Protectors Skip to Main Content

The Truth About Tempered Glass Screen Protectors

For the past couple of years tempered glass screen protectors have been touted as a safe and solid material to protect mobile devices against drops and cracks to the display. The glass surface absorbs contact when the phone is dropped and protects the display from breakages and costly repairs.

tempered glass screen protectors These tempered glass screen protectors work best for phones with curved displays either on the surface itself or along the edges because they can be pre-formed to function as a clear case. There are also films with adhesive that sticks to the surface of the screen, but it is hard to install without leaving bubbles.

There are drawbacks to the use of these films. First, these films are thicker than regular screen protectors and can make the display unresponsive to the touch. Also, the adhesive is stronger and if you don’t have the film sitting correctly on the display before the wetting agent dries, good luck trying to move the film or remove it.

With tempered glass protectors that are made of preformed plastic, they act as a case cover over the front surface and there have been complaints that they crack easily.

Since these protectors are clear, they also have a major glare issue and they reflect everything around you, especially when you are outdoors.

Try the NuShield Screen Protectors

A suitable alternative to a tempered glass protector is a slightly softer NuShield screen protector film. NuShield technology combines the scratch resistance of a traditional screen protector with innovative anti-glare technology. This means that you can still enjoy the protection of your display without compromising on visibility or touch sensitivity. In fact, NuShield protective films are able to cut down on reflected glare and produce sharper-clearer images.

If you still prefer the safety and protection of a tempered glass protector, you can still install a NuShield film on the top of the other film to eliminate glare and have the best of both worlds.

There are two main models, the NuShield DayVue antireflective film (for use outdoors and in direct sunlight) and the NuShield Triple A anti-glare film to eliminate reflected glare indoors and shaded areas outside.

Applying-and-removing NuShield films is also a quick-and-easy process, leaving no adhesive residue on the display. And because you can easily clean the film with any household cleaning-agents, dirt-and-debris accumulating on the side of the device will now be a thing of the past.

Thin, tough and sensitive

With a thickness of only .06 mils, NuShield films are thin, yet tough and responsive to the touchscreen display. The films are also compatible with over 12,000 different devices. Order your NuShield protective film today!