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NuShield Blog

Thank You To Those Who Serve

We recently commemorated the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day, also known as Veterans Day, which ended World War I in 1918. Veteran’s Day is different than Memorial Day.  Memorial Day is for remembering and honoring military personnel who dies in the service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of a wound sustained in battle. Veterans Day is intended to thank all those who honorably served in the military – in war time or peace time. 3132

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Is Glare Ruining Your Church Service?

Technology continues its expansion into more and more facets of our life. Even churches are increasingly beginning to turn towards electronic communications for help in spreading their message. Emails and social media, for instance, help keep the flock up to date about the church community. But the latest trend is using large television screens that replace traditional bulletin boards.  This allows more information to be conveyed using colorful displays and PowerPoint presentations to.…

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So What Are You Giving This Holiday Season?

Show us a friend or family member who genuinely does not want to get a new Smartphone or tablet this holiday season, and we’ll show you someone who probably isn’t being honest about their holiday wish list. Or any device that has a digital display screen.  Because not only do these devices provide endless hours of fun and distraction—they’ve also become practically indispensable for everyday living. 3129

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Is Your Car GPS Display Becoming a Distraction When You’re Driving?

If you have a car that was built since 2015 then you probably have an electronic display that allows you to pick your radio station, control your comfort, set your destination and answer your phone. Some functions can be voice controlled, but most often you have to look away from the road to fiddle with the touch screen. And the glare on the screen makes visibility even harder. This is a recipe for an accident. 3130

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When It Comes to Smart Phones, How Big is Too Big?

The new Apple iPhone Xs, Xs Max and Xr have been recently released and the surface of these phones are the largest ever.   At the size of 6.5 inch display for the Xs Max, it is almost as large as a small tablet. But is it a phone?  If manufacturers keep increasing the size of phones someday we will have to carry them on our shoulders like the old “boom boxes” of the 1980s.  3128

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Don’t Pass Germs to Your Customers

Fall is here once again which means cold and flu season is not far behind. For restaurants and stores it can be a difficult time of year. Customers come in with all types of germs, colds and even the flu. These germs can pass from customer to server or store clerk. And the touch screens we use for order entry or credit card checkout will be full of germs that will transfer from one user to another. 3126

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Is Blue Light Eye Strain a Myth or Fact?

According to leading ophthalmologists and a recent report from GigaOm’s technology research platform, long-term exposure to blue light after dark can lead to chronic insomnia, and even breast cancer. This blue light however is only given off by devices using Light Emitting Diode (LED). These would include computer monitors, tablets, flat-screen TVs (such as those manufactured by Samsung, Sony, and LG), and OLED TVs with curved screens, including Panasonic, Samsung, and LG. 3125

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How Can You Check Your Flight When You Can’t See The Screen?

Airlines use monitors around the terminal to provide flight information to travelers. However, many terminals have glass ceilings and lots of windows where sunlight comes in and creates glare on these monitors. This glare can make reading the display impossible. This is why airlines and terminal managements have consulted NuShield to help battle the glare. 3122

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Back to School With NuShield

If its September, then its time for parents to start preparing to send the kids back to school. Whether its college or grades K-12, almost everyone now uses some kind of electronic tablet or laptop in the classroom or doing homework. 3124

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