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NuShield Blog

NuShield Films Protect Interactive Displays at Statue of Liberty Museum

On May 16, 2019 new museums opened on Liberty Island to help visitors better enjoy their Statue of Liberty experience. The interactive museum provides historical information and deeper understanding for visitors about Lady Liberty, the designers, the construction and the effort it took to make this monument possible. Various sections of the museum use digital monitors to convey information and allow visitors to access information using touch screen displays. 3161

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Geico Skytypers Airshow Schedule for 2019

Airshows are always a great joy to watch, and they make us wonder how the pilots are able to pull off such jaw-dropping stunts. The Geico Skytypers’ crew conducts air shows across the country using 6 vintage WW II aircraft to achieve advanced maneuverability techniques. They combine the flexibility of these aircraft with current advanced navigation systems in order to achieve precise positioning and maneuverability. The challenge is even greater when performing across large water bodies…

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Graduating Without Glare

If you are a proud relative of a high school or college graduate you will probably find yourself sitting in the football stadium during the graduation ceremonies. If your seat is on the wrong side, the sun will be reflecting glare on your device’s display. Whether you are using a camera, phone or tablet to capture the moment, reflections of the sun will block visibility of the display. 3157

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Time to Get Your Boat Ready for 2019

If you are living in the Mid-Atlantic, New England or lake areas of the U.S. you are probably ready to take your boat out of storage and back in the water. Boaters and recreational fishermen eagerly wait for summer every year. The weather’s warm, the sun is bright and the fish are biting. There’s no better time to head down to the lake, river or the open sea and enjoy the balmy weather. 3155

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Farmers Rely on NuShield DayVue Screen Protectors to Eliminate Morning Sunglare

Most farmers begin their day before the sun comes up and during planting season they are in their tractors as the sun is just over the horizon. For the farmer with 5,000 or more acres of field it is very important to maximize yield and they use electronic technology to precisely plant the right seed in the right area, based on water tables. 3153

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