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NuShield Blog

Reduce Glare in the Boardroom with NuShield

You’ve put in hundreds of hours preparing for the big presentation, poring over every detail before heading into the boardroom. You have the screen ready for the presentation, but when the meeting gets started, you find that sunlight is coming through the windows, making the presentation screen nothing but one big glare. Closing the blinds or curtains removes some of the glare, but now you have to deal with overhead lights inside the room. If this scenario sounds all too familiar, the time…

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Are Your Kids Sharing Germs Along With Their Tablets?

[caption id="attachment_1087" align="alignleft" width="300"] Prevent the spread of germs on mobile devices with an anti-microbial NuShield film.[/caption] Children love to bring things home from school. They are excited to show off good grades, share gossip from the playground, and work on new projects. Unfortunately, among the things they bring home are things we could all do without: germs, microbes, and bacteria. Kids learn with their hands, and it's almost impossible to stop them from…

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Reduce Glare on Your Outdoor TV with NuShield

[caption id="attachment_1083" align="alignleft" width="300"] With a protective NuShield film, glare on your outdoor TV is a thing of the past.[/caption] Today's TVs are thinner than ever, bigger than ever, and able to produce the most amazing pictures. What's more, having a big TV outside lets you watch your sports or favorite show from the pool, deck or inside your screen porch. These magnificent flat-screens, however, have one major shortcoming: the glare. This is caused by the UHD TV’s…

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Preventing “Germ Farms” on your electronic device in health care facilities

In 2014, there was an article in the Washington Post about the dangers of germs at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, where “doctors are just as likely to store iPads in their white coat pockets as stethoscopes.” According to the Post, the hospital had spent two years encouraging its staff to use mobile devices and by July 2014, Beth Israel counted 2,000 iPads, 4,000 iPhones, 2,000 Android devices, two BlackBerries and one Windows phone in use among its 12,000 employees. That…

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Flying With a Tablet? Don’t Fly With Glare

[caption id="attachment_1072" align="alignleft" width="279"] A pilot checks his tablet with ease, thanks to NuShield's DayVue antireflective film.[/caption] You’re a pilot, flying at 10,000 feet. And because it is the year 2015, you’re using a tablet or a GPS device to help guide you to your destination.  You look down at your device to check for the next waypoint and the sunlight coming hits the display at just the right angle so that all you see is a big yellow dot in the middle of your.…

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Is Your Computer Screen Ruining Your Health?

How you can protect yourself from headaches caused by the blue light emitted from your LED monitor If you're someone whose job involves sitting in front of a computer for eight hours a day and staring into its monitor, you've probably read an article or two — or perhaps seen a news report, or maybe even had a conversation — about the negative effect that blue light emanating from screens can have on our eyesight, and even on our overall health. According to leading ophthalmologists, the…

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With a GPS Screen Protector, Your Car’s Navigation System Doesn’t Need to Suffer From Glare

Do you remember taking cross-country road trips with your family as a child, and tracing the highways in an oversized road atlas with your finger? Maybe you remember taking those same trips as a young adult, and having to pull onto the side of the road to locate your route on a paper map. Even if neither of those auto-navigation remembrances ring a bell, there’s a good chance you can still recall the experience of logging onto the MapQuest or Google Maps websites for your driving directions,…

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LC Technologies Teams Up With NuShield to Take Eye-Tracking Technology on Tablets to the Next Level

[caption id="attachment_1012" align="alignright" width="300"] Without NuShield film, this Asus tablet's reflection is so strong it practically acts as a mirror.[/caption] Even though the incredibly advanced technological work they do on a daily basis has literally been changing the lives of disabled people for nearly three decades now, the Fairfax, Va.-based LC Technologies, Inc. is not the sort of tech firm most digital natives are intimately familiar with. The company doesn’t build…

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The Only Tablet Screen Protector a DJ Will Ever Need

[caption id="attachment_994" align="alignleft" width="300"] Today, apps can turn your tablet into a powerful DJ tool, but parties will also be messy. Protect your device with a Triple A or DayVue screen protector.[/caption] “Let’s get this party started!” Whether it’s an occasional party or a full-time job, as DJ you’re in charge of keeping the music flowing and the crowd happy. As the crowd dances and sways, you’re busy swiping and tapping at your tablet screen, controlling the…

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Use Your Phone at the Gym? Here’s One Accessory You Can’t Live Without

Even the most dedicated workout enthusiast runs the risk of facing boredom at the weight rack, or fatigue on the treadmill. That's why when it comes to renewing focus, there are few better gym buddies than the Smartphone. You know: The source of your best music playlists and podcasts, not to mention those hilarious YouTube videos that make you snort the sort of laughter that earns you weird looks from the rest of the gym. Sure, you could tackle those miles on the treadmill (or the endless…

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