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NuShield Blog

How to Protect Your iPhone If You’re Addicted to Apple Pay

The Apple iPhone is always on the cutting edge of Smartphone technology. With Apple’s new Apple Pay system, you can leave your wallet at home and use your phone to make secure payments at stores with just one touch of a button. With this additional convenient feature, you’ll find yourself reaching for your iPhone even more often—but at what cost? Protecting your screen is more important than ever, and NuShield is ready to help. Apple Pay Apple Pay works by digitizing your credit…

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If You Use Mobile Apps for Marine Navigation, Read This

Whether for business or pleasure, it’s vitally important to know where you are when you’re out at sea. Modern navigation systems have made this much easier: You now have GPS data to pinpoint your location, making sure you never get lost while out on the water. These electronic devices can also help you locate fish and tell you the depth of the water, making marine excursions safer and easier. Unfortunately, being out on the water exposes you—and your expensive equipment—to the harsh…

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Hey Sports Parents — We’ve Solved Your Smartphone Glare Problem

Sports parents are busy parents. Between soccer practice and Little League games, you feel like you spend all your free time chauffeuring your kids from one activity to the next. As much as you love watching your children learn new skills and interact with their teammates, baseball practice and soccer games can eat away at your productivity. Even worse is that while sitting out in the glare of the sun, if you can’t use your Smartphone to return emails, make appointments or play a round of…

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The Stress-Free Way to Read Outside on Your Tablet

So many books, so little time! Reading outdoors, whether it’s at the beach, the pool, or in your backyard, is a relaxing way to spend a warm spring or summer day. E-readers and tablets have made reading on the go a lot more convenient, packing your entire library into a single light-weight device. Now you can easily travel to the beach or on vacation without packing heavy, cumbersome books. However, these devices often make reading outside difficult, as the sunlight washes out the display.…

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How to Avoid Scratching Your Phone with Long Fingernails

Long fingernails can be beautiful. Many women take great pride in their nails, growing, filing, and polishing them. For many, a manicure is both an indulgence and a fashion statement. With new trends in nail art, longer nails provide a virtual open canvas to display one's personality. And yet while long fingernails can come in handy for scratching an itch or opening a package, they can also severely damage your Smartphone or tablet. 902

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Is Your GPS Navigation System Hard to See in the Sunlight?

It’s the epitome of the American car-lover’s dream: driving down the open highway, sun shining, and the convertible top down. As your hair blows in the breeze, you hear the robotic voice of your GPS navigation system telling you that your exit is coming up. But as you glance at the screen, you realize you can’t see the display in the glare of the sun. [caption id="attachment_904" align="alignright" width="300"] Unmodified photo supplied by customer of Mercedes Benz SL550, with NuShield…

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Has Your Tablet or Phone Become a Toddler Toy? NuShield Tablet Screen Protection to the Rescue!

Your tablet is a large financial investment and is something you treasure. But your toddler or child doesn’t know this. To them, your iPad or Android slate is simply a toy that offers delight after delight, complete with funny sounds and animations. Your toddler doesn't understand how crucial the screen on the tablet is to the entire system, and will go to the extent of throwing the tablet down or piling items on it, oblivious of the potential harm. The result is obvious: a scratched…

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The Secret to Extending the Life of Tablets Used by Medical Professionals

Where once the medical field was laden with heavy paper charts, today, medical offices and hospitals are increasingly relying on technology to make patient information both more accessible and more secure. Doctors now enter the exam or hospital room, tablet in hand, able to quickly and easily access patient records, jot down notes, and send electronic prescriptions. This improves patient care while cutting down on unnecessary paperwork.  However, the use of electronic displays in a germ…

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Use Cell Phone Calendar Apps to Schedule Your Life? Try NuShield

It wakes you up in the morning, reminds you of your meeting in the afternoon, and your daughter’s soccer game in the evening. Your entire life is in your Smartphone, and without it you’d be lost (and late for everything). Are you taking the right precautions to protect your mobile device? Calendars & More With apps such as Evernote, To-Doist, and others, keeping track of your calendar is as simple as a few screen taps. You can set reminders for appointments and meetings, to pick up…

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How Instagram Superstars Can Extend the Life of their Smartphones

A beautiful sunset. Your carefully plated homemade dinner. Your child’s first steps. And of course, a few selfies. There are so many picture-perfect moments in life, and you want to capture them all. Why? Because you’re an Instagram superstar. But having your Smartphone or tablet always on-hand and ready to capture pictures can come at a price. Broken, cracked and scratched screens can mean an end to your photo stream. They're also expensive to replace or repair. The frequent swiping…

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