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Medical Safety: Triple A Films Provide Germ Protection on National Nurses Day, and All Other Days

If you watch PBS' new medical miniseries, Mercy Street, you will see that the nurses and doctors of the Civil War era did not engage in hygienic practices or germ protection. The series chronicles two volunteer nurses from the north and south who work at the Mansion House Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia. The series shows that the cleanliness of the medical professionals in the Civil War era pales in comparison to modern day standards. Thankfully, things have changed drastically over the past.…

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Triple A Anti Glare Screen Protector Preserve Samsung’s New Touch Screen Refrigerators

[caption id="attachment_1416" align="alignright" width="300"] Anti glare screen protector for Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator Display[/caption] When Samsung released their new Family Hub Refrigerator, the first thing everyone noticed was the gigantic touch screen that covered up nearly the entire right side door. This touch screen, among other things, can connect to your smartphone, act like a calendar, show you the latest weather reports, let others leave messages for you, and essentially act…

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Glare Reflection Can Now Be Avoided on Your RV TV, GPS, and Cameras

RV travel has always been a popular form of getting away from the hustle and the bustle of city life, and with gas prices dropping like never before, taking the RV out for a camping trip, or a cross country journey, has never been easier than it is now. [caption id="attachment_1325" align="alignright" width="300"] Rand McNally RV GPS RVND 7715 LM Navigation and Routing for RVs[/caption] One thing that you may not think of while traveling is glare on all of your electronic viewing screens. TV,…

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Anti-reflective Rugged Protectors on Police Laptops

The Mobile Office [caption id="attachment_1377" align="alignleft" width="300"] NuShield DayVue screen protectors installed on police fleet laptops[/caption] Nowhere is a tablet or laptop exposed to more constant use and abuse than in a mobile office. And there is not a more demanding mobile office than a police car. When on the road, police cars have to deal with driving down streets and highways, with the sun coming into the cab at every which angle. To alleviate these  challenges, the…

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Don’t Let LCD Sunlight Reflection Prevent You From Catching Your Child’s Homeruns in Video and Photos

We've all been there. You line up the perfect angle to capture your child's appearance at the plate, on the field or tennis court and the sun's reflection ruins your shot. Thanks to NuShield's anti-reflective film, DayVue, you'll no longer have to struggle with the sun's reflection on your camera. No more LCD sunlight reflection! 1307

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Are Library Touch Screens Germs and Bacteria on Monitors Putting Your Family at Risk?

Have you ever stopped to think how germs and bacteria on library touch screens and monitors can spread flu viruses, or skin bacteria? Take a moment and think about just how many kids, parents, homeless people and other use the monitors at your library. All sorts of people from different walks of life put their hands on these screens. When monitors used by the general public are not protected by any sort of protective barrier, their surface gets covered with germs, bacteria and other nasty.…

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Tractor GPS with DayVue Anti-Reflective Screen Protectors Makes Farming Easier

Increasingly, larger farms are relying on technology to help maximize the crop yield in the field. Whether its a tractor, combine or other large farm equipment you will find GPS devices such as the John Deere 2600, the Edge from AgLeader and the AgGPS Field Manager from Trimble. These are used for farm planning, crop scouting, tractor navigation and yield-mapping. [caption id="attachment_1323" align="alignleft" width="300"] John Deere GreenStar GS2 2400 Tractor GPS[/caption] By evaluating…

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Will the NuShield Protected Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Replace Your Laptop? Microsoft Thinks So.

Are you on the prowl for a laptop replacement? The incredible number of laptops, tablets and phablets on today's market is enough to overwhelm shoppers. Skim through the reviews and you'll find that computer whizzes praise Microsoft's Surface Pro 4. Why the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 has Become so Popular [caption id="attachment_1375" align="alignright" width="300"] Surface Pro 4 equipped with NuShield DayVue screen protector gives you the freedom to work outdoors without screen reflections[]…

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Why Your Military-Grade Laptops Need Mil-Spec Screen Protectors

If you’re at all familiar with the electronic devices used in the field today by various branches of the U.S. military, you’re probably also familiar with the concept of military-grade laptops or military-spec consumer electronic devices. Military-Grade Laptops and Tablets The Panasonic Toughbook, for instance, is probably the best-known of the military-grade laptops used by our fighting forces. Dell makes a particularly rugged notebook computer known as the Latitude E6420 XFR that’s…

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