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NuShield Blog

Why Cruise Ship Technology Needs NuShield Now

If you’ve been working in the cruise ship industry for, say, 10 or 15 years, you’ve almost certainly noticed some changes to cruise ship technology. Prior to the late 1990s, or perhaps even the early part of the 21st century, for instance, most ship pursers were still keeping the majority of their financial records on actual paper. A cruise line’s marketing manager spent a good portion of their day working the (land line) phones in those days, long before Facebook or Twitter have even…

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Hey, Crafters! Here’s How to Keep Your DIY Cricut Cutting Machine Going Stronger for Longer

The DIY crafting movement certainly isn’t anything new. From independently published magazines like ReadyMade, which launched back in 2001, to mainstream do-it-yourself media icons like Martha Stewart, who has been teaching Americans to flex their crafting muscles for decades, home crafting has gone from being a near-necessity, to a trend, to an incredibly popular activity that people of all ages and nearly all interests seem to be taking part in these days. 1202

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If you Ride a Motorcycle, the DayVue Film Is a Must-Have Accessory for your GPS or Radio Display

For most true motorcycle enthusiasts, there’s simply nothing quite like the experience of getting out on the open road. There's the sun overhead. The wind whipping by. The road stretching out before you in a never-ending ribbon of possibilities. However, if you have a GPS device or LCD display radio panel, your leisurely ride can quickly turn into a struggle, and perhaps even a dangerous situation. 1188

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Why You Need NuShield, Even With a High-End Cell Phone Case

Whether you use a Smartphone, a tablet or an e-reader, there’s a pretty good chance that if you’re like most Americans, you spend a lot of time on your mobile device. You use it in so many conditions: cold weather and warm weather; indoors and out-of-doors. And yet while the technology of these devices continues to develop at a mind-boggling pace, and with an increasing number of features and applications launched seemingly every other day, one thing seems to remain the same: screen glare.…

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How NuShield Helps Church LCD Displays Spread the Good Word

As technology continues its expansion into more and more facets of life, churches are increasingly beginning to turn towards it for help in spreading their message. Emails and social media, for instance, help keep the flock in the loop of the church community. Large LCD screens are replacing traditional bulletin boards. And yet, as churches continue finding new uses for technology, they’re also discovering the problems that technology can introduce. Consider, for example, a megachurch that…

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How the North Carolina Legislature Used NuShield to See Clearly

[caption id="attachment_1158" align="alignright" width="270"] North Carolina Legislative Chamber prior to installation of NuShield screen protectors[/caption] One of the great things about the democratic process is that citizens have proper representation to help make their voices heard. Technology has made amazing strides in streamlining the voting process. But sometimes everyday inhibitions put up barriers to success that aren't even obvious at first glance. Recently, the North Carolina…

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Why All Offices Should Take Advantage of NuShield’s Antimicrobial Protection

[caption id="attachment_1145" align="alignleft" width="300"] Sharing ideas at the office? Good. Sharing your cold? Not so good. NuShield can help with that.[/caption] Every company has experienced the dreaded "office cold." This is the malady that creeps from cubicle to cubicle, spreading germs and illness far and wide, and destroying any semblance of productivity. When the outbreak initially occurs, coworkers try to limit its spread by keeping hand sanitizer on their desks, covering their…

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NuShield Screen Protection Is a Vote Against Germs

Do you remember the last time you were inside a local polling station? Maybe it was a station that had been temporarily erected inside a public school or library, or even a restaurant or a neighbor’s garage. Perhaps you were there to cast a ballot in a municipal election. Maybe you were voting in a presidential primary election. But whatever the scenario, and wherever the location, it’s unlikely that you spent much time thinking about the intricacies of the polling place’s voting.…

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Wired Magazine Gives NuShield’s DayVue Film the Nod

It’s not every day that the product you’ve spent so many years of your life working hard to perfect gets written about in an incredibly popular national newsstand magazine. Yet that’s exactly what happened to us here at NuShield during the first week of August, when Wired magazine reporter Tim Moynihan published an article on the Wired website titled, "The Days of Squinting at Laptops in the Sun Are Almost Over." As its title suggests, Moynihan’s article mulled over the various reasons…

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This Holiday Season, Give Your Mobile Device the Gift of Safety and Security

Show us a friend or family member who genuinely does not want to get a new Smartphone or tablet this holiday season, and we’ll show you someone who probably isn’t being honest about their holiday wish list. Not everyone has fallen victim to the hypnotic sway of the digital and mobile revolution. But as the years pass and mobile computing devices become more and more convenient, those people are becoming harder and harder to find. Indeed, the look on a family member’s face as they unwrap…

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